So where to start: wow what a few months.
Last post I'd been bumming about in low sec, running anoms and generally making decent isk and not losing too many ships.
After a 'we're recruiting' blog post by Rixx Javix of Evoganda and Lucifer's Hammer fame, I decided to throw in an application, knowing that my 8 kills and 33 losses over the last 2 years were not gonna stand in my favour. Amazingly they accepted me and I was suddenly living the life of a low sec pirate. Quite a different life than anything I'd done before obviously. Ships are now all cheapish fits, I only really fly frigs, cruisers and BCs as my main PvP boats, given that I'm a Caldari pilot through and through, this causes some ridicule, apart from the stalwart drake, which nobody laughs at unless they are a bit mad. I've lost about 6 drakes, 1 tengu, 1 dramiel and a maller I bought for giggles. More importantly I suppose, my kills now stand at 145 kills for 46 losses; so things look a lot better: oh.....and I have a "-10" sec status! Get In! never thought I'd be at this end of the criminal system in Eve. I used to hate pirates!
Lucifer's hammer went into melt down because Rixx had RL issues that were more important than running a corp and alliance in Eve, and I jumped across to our other alliance corp "Black Sail Anarchists" and havebeen there for the last 3 or 4 weeks. Things are going well, I think. We have a new alliance 'Yarr Collective' with the Sinners, we do lots of gate camping and the occasional roam. The most fun roam so far was a frig roam where we caught this fella in a belt and best 1v1 so far has to be this one
Apart from my own activities of course, Eve has undergone a very stormy few weeks. Incarna arrived, pitchforks and torches came out, people started quitting the game left right and centre, Perpetuum got a massive (temporary) boost from all the disgruntled Eve players. The NEX store started selling monocles for 1.5 billion isk, pilots started foaming at the mouth. A certain CCP news-letter did the rounds and pilots started sacrificing children to the gods of games to bring down wrath on all CCP employees, various CCP people then made a very poor attempt at addressing the mob's concerns. Huge gangs of people camped trade hubs and spent days shooting an invulnerable statue in Jita. The forums were filled with vitriol and anger on an hourly basis. And.....through all of this, I carried on playing the game, I carried on ganking noobs and getting into fights around our home system. I played with Captain's quarters for half an hour, then turned it off to save time on docking and changing ships etc. The door 'screenshot' is an insult in this day and age, I'll say no more.
I'm loving playing Eve atm, I look forward to signing in and seeing who's online, what's happening in our neighbourhood and I look forward to undocking and going at it with others.
Religiosa update: 40+ million SP, about 1bill isk in the bank, no steady income atm, PI a mess a 18 jumps away, research agent 20 jumps away in Hi-Sec! Had to sell most of my ships in hi-sec as i couldn't get them out and into low-sec once my sec status went west. Oh and the slightly modified 'new' me below:
Fly deadly