Well having moved everything to my new low sec home next door to 0.0, i'm now wondering why.
A change in copr/alliance structure seems to have made things a bit weird. I joined the PvP arm of my alliance to get some experience (i'm a PvP noob!) only to have it closed down before seeing any action.
I wanted to do things with my corp, but have only joined roams and fleets with other corps, what to do?
I'm about to move in RL again....this time to Borneo. So I'll be away from the game for a while again. If my corp hasn't got it's act together by then, then I may look around the region for a more active group.
Any ideas?
Yeah, i understand that aspire is having some problems getting its act together and this hurts cause the game will be much more fun if we did run ops frequently. My opinion is that the corp leaders have more important things to do atm in RL and that can't be overlooked. I'll suggest joining another corp myself but if you can wait until this move to low sec is finalized, things may change for the better.