Tuesday, April 20, 2010

State of play

Well, here I am, a little over 1yr and 1 month old, with a little short of 16 mill skill points. I had a few months complete downtime while my marriage fell apart and new people came into my life, and now manage to play a few times a week. In 7 days time I'll be sliding into a T3 Tengu, and am very excited after seeing a Corp m8 (NGResonance) tank a mighty difficult lvl4 in one and not go past about 10% shield dmg. Awesome, dps is a bit of an issue. I was all set to go for a marauder (golem) but have been side tracked. The marauder is a week or two away, once I decide to go for it. I have 620mill in the bank and a tengu and seven subsystems waiting in Jita for next week, that I got relatively cheap via a contract. All subsystem skills are already at lvl3, cruisers 5 finishes in 7 days, then strategic cruisers to at least 3 and I'm ready to rock.
Btw, joining my Corp (Aspire)  was the best thing I ever did in eve, I may not agree with everyone all the time, but I'm still here, knowing what I know, thanks to all of them, we get harder and less of an easy target by the day.
my Drake (Bahut Shakti)

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